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Practice Areas

Our areas of concentration are noted below.  If we are unable to assist you then we will do our best to refer you to someone who can.
Criminal Law


This can include any type of charge that requires a court appearance, from assaults to drug offenses to driving while impaired.  We have abundant experience in just about every type of case, whether felony or misdemeanor, but now focus primarily on appellate and post-conviction representation as opposed to trial work.





Whereas appeals are generally limited to matters of record, errors can occur outside of the scope of a direct appeal.  These errors could be attributable, for example, to newly discovered evidence, inadequate representation, or various other issues.  Time limits are more flexible with respect to this type of proceeding, which represents a large part of our practice.





Innocent people sometimes get convicted, and legal errors are often made at trials and various hearings.  There are strict time limits within which individuals can appeal adverse decisions to the appropriate court, and we can assist in that process in an effort to obtain the relief that you deserve.

Constitutional Law


The most important component of being an American is the ability to exercise rights which our founding fathers bestowed upon us through legal vehicles such as the Bill of Rights.  When those rights and privileges are infringed upon, we can turn to the court system for redress.





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